
Upcoming Events

October 2-8 2022

Serious Mental Illness AwarenessWeek

Serious Mental Illnesses impact families, communities, and all of us.  

The first week of October is committed to increasing awareness of Serious Mental Illness.  Grow a Strong Family supports the supporters who are affected by a loved one with a serious mental illness (SMI) now known as a serious brain disease (SBD).  The commitment and courage that define the Supporters is unacknowledged and undermined by a system of care that consistently fails to provide relief for the individuals and their Supporters that would improve outcomes and reduce disasters.  This week is an opportunity to enable Grow a Strong Family to increase its 24/7 web-based support for the Supporters so that they receive what they need when they need it for free.  Thank you for participating in the auction and the other events we are offering!

Photo Contest

Pictures speak a thousand words.  Registration Required for sharing your images and voting.  

October 2022

Paint Nite via Zoom

SO much fun and an opportunity to share a paint night with family & friends!

Thursday, Oct 6 7-9pm

October 2022

Laughter is the best medicine

Let’s inject some humor into our lives by watching these funny comedians share their experiences and thoughts with us.

The Great Depresh

Over the course of an hour and 15 minutes, “The Great Depresh” crackles with certain energy — a series of slow builds to these lightning strike moments. This skillful pacing and delivery, in combination with Gulman’s fresh, crushing, and contemporary material makes this special a must-watch.”

Streamed on Oct 2 from 7-9pm.  

Share Your Story

What is YOUR experience with loved ones with SMIs?

Upload a blurb of your experience.


Tell a story from your experience caring about someone with a SMI.

Upload a video sharing your story.

Share a resource that’s helpful

Book, website, music, movie, group, ted talk

Helping each other is the only way to raise awareness of serious mental illness and the toll it takes on individuals, families, and the community.

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