Grieving One Day at a time

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This group is a network of men and women who are experiencing significant life changes brought about through bereavement.  Participants are offered support, networking, sponsoring, and friendship.  In this group, there is a sense of connection, belonging, and growing resilience. 

Information and resources are offered to navigate this journey more effectively. There is a break in the isolation that significant losses bring and a place to be accepted “as you are right now.”

Mara Briere, the facilitator, holds a Master’s degree in Family Life Education as well as numerous other credentials and is the founder of a nonprofit organization called, “Grow a Strong Family”, which supports families uprooted by mental illness/brain disorders and loss.  .

This is a group where “what is said here, stays here.”  Consider visiting us and participating on Mondays at 7 beginning 9/11.


You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 
When: Sep 11, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 


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